New Build
The Wild Heron design review process for a new residence consists of a series of up to four (4) meetings between the Property Owner, the Architect and the Wild Heron Architectural Review Board (ARB). The process starts with an informal introductory meeting and ends with the successful completion of home construction. The ARB meets on the second Thursday of every month at the Lakeside Lodge Library. Applications are due one week prior to that meeting in order for ARB staff to administratively review the materials before being presented to the ARB.
Please note: Larger more complex new construction applications may take several months to review over the course of multiple meetings.
Quick Reference Guide:
1. Pre-design Meeting
2. Conceptual plan review
3. The Applicant submits an application, application fee and Preliminary Plan to the ARB office at least one (1) week prior to a regularly scheduled ARB meeting.
4. Preliminary Plan Review meeting
5. The Applicant receives a letter detailing the results of the ARB’s review of Preliminary Plans.
6. The Applicant submits an application, application fee and Final Plans to the ARB office at least one (1) week prior to a regularly scheduled ARB meeting.
7. Final Plan review meeting
8. The Applicant receives a letter detailing the results of the ARB’s review of Final Plans.
9. After receiving Final Plan approval from the ARB, the Applicant must comply with the pre-construction requirements prior to starting construction, including the submission and approval of Final Working Drawings.
New Construction – Steps of the Review Process
1. Pre-Design Meeting:
Prior to the preparation of any materials for formal ARB review, the Owner and consultant(s) may wish to meet with the Wild Heron ARB staff and one member of the Review Board for a pre-design meeting. The purpose of this step is to provide the Owner with introductory information, which will establish the overall intent of regulations, restrictions and/or special considerations for the particular lot or area involved. This step is for the benefit of the Owner and their Architect. Pre-Design Meetings are scheduled before or after regularly scheduled ARB meeting dates; please contact the ARB coordinator to schedule this meeting.
2. Conceptual Plan Review:
The purpose of the conceptual plan review in Wild Heron is to provide the Owner and their Architect early feedback from the ARB on the proposed design of the residence and has the secondary benefit of identifying any potential conflicts or opportunities apparent between the proposed design and the Design Guidelines. This meeting takes place at a regularly scheduled meeting date, but does not require a formal application or fee. A conceptual site plan, floor plans and at least one conceptual elevation are to be submitted to the ARB staff at least one (1) week prior to a scheduled meeting date, at which the plans will be presented by the Applicant. Areas of particular concern should be highlighted for the ARB to review and comment on. No formal action will be taken by the ARB at this step.
3. Preliminary Plan Review:
The Applicant is required to submit to the ARB for review a formal Preliminary Plan package. This package is expected to adequately convey existing site conditions, constraints, building orientation and design, vehicular and pedestrian access, the proposed use of exterior materials and colors and a conceptual landscape plan. Preliminary Plan submittals must be submitted at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting of the ARB. In addition, the Applicant is required to stake the location of proposed building corners on site for review by the ARB at the scheduled meeting. After the Applicant submits all required application materials and fees, the ARB staff will review the Preliminary Plan package for completeness and conformance with the Design Guidelines. If additional information is required or the ARB staff recognizes issues or concerns with the proposed plans, staff will contact the Applicant prior to the scheduled meeting. The Applicant will be notified that they are on the upcoming ARB scheduled meeting. The Applicant is expected to attend the meeting to present the Preliminary Plans to the Board. The ARB will take formal action on the Preliminary Plans at this meeting. The Applicant will receive a letter detailing the results of the ARB meeting within ten (10) working days following the meeting.
4. Final Plan Review:
Within one year of Preliminary Plan approval, the Applicant may submit a Final Plan package for review by the ARB. The Applicant is expected to provide all information necessary to reflect the design of the proposed building(s), landscape or other features requiring the approval of the ARB. All architectural plans are to be prepared by a licensed Florida Architect. Final Plan submittals must be submitted at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting of the ARB. After the Applicant submits all required application materials and fees, the ARB staff will review the Final Plan package for completeness and conformance with the Design Guidelines. If additional information is required or the ARB staff recognizes issues or concerns with the proposed plans, staff will contact the Applicant prior to the scheduled meeting date. The ARB staff will notify the applicant that their project is on the upcoming scheduled meeting. The Applicant is expected to attend the ARB meeting to present the Final Plans to the Board. The ARB will take formal action on the Final Plans at this meeting. The Applicant will receive a letter detailing the results of the ARB meeting within ten (10) working days following the meeting.
5. Final Working Drawing Submission:
Upon approval of Final Plans, the Applicant is required to prepare and submit two (2) sets of Final Working Drawings and one digital copy to the ARB staff prior to submitting to Bay County Building Division for a building permit. The contents of the Final Working Drawings are expected to be consistent with the approved Final Plans, while responding to any conditions or revisions imposed by the ARB at the Final Plan review. The ARB staff will review the Final Working Drawings and contact the Applicant within one (1) week from the date that the plans are received. If the Final Working Drawings are consistent with the approved Final Plans and all conditions of Final Plan approval are addressed, the ARB will stamp two sets of plans for the Applicant to submit to Bay County for a building permit. The ARB will keep one set of the Final Working Drawings for our records. Upon receiving a building permit, the Applicant must comply with all of the pre-construction requirements and is required to commence construction of the residence within one (1) year following Final Plan approval.
For renovations, additions, or landscape modifications
The ARB staff is delighted to assist you in making an application for any improvements to your residence and property in the timeliest fashion possible. Contacting the ARB staff well in advance of your desired start date to discuss your project as well as requesting a pre-design consultation with ARB staff is strongly encouraged.
Quick Reference Guide:
1. The Applicant receives sub-association approval, if applicant resides in a sub-association.
2. The Applicant contacts the ARB coordinator to determine if a pre-design meeting with ARB staff is necessary for the proposed project.
3. The Applicant submits an application, application fee, and plans to the ARB office on or before the submittal date.
4. The Applicant will receive the meeting agenda about one week prior to the scheduled meeting.
5. The Applicant attends the ARB meeting and presents the proposed plans.
6. The ARB takes formal action at the meeting on the plans.
7. The Applicant will receive a letter detailing the results of the ARB meeting.
8. After receiving approval from the ARB, the Applicant must comply with the pre-construction requirements prior to starting construction.
Improvements Review steps:
The Wild Heron Architectural Review Board meets on the second Thursday of every month and applications and plans are due one (1) week prior to that meeting in order for it to be administratively reviewed before it can be presented to the ARB. Evidence of written approval from the sub-association may be required before any formal action will be taken. After the Applicant has completed the application submittal process, the ARB staff will review the application and plans for completeness and conformance with the Design Guidelines. If additional information is required or the ARB staff recognizes issues or concerns with the proposed plans, staff will contact the Applicant prior to the scheduled meeting date.
Projects that have minimal exterior impacts or are considered routine may be “staff approved” independent of the regularly scheduled monthly ARB meeting in order to expedite the project. ARB staff will determine if a project requires formal Board review and approval. Each application and the resulting review process will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the complexity, scope and exterior impact of the proposed plan. Please note that staff approvals must be ratified by the ARB at a regular meeting and any work performed by the Owner prior to ratification is at the owner’s own risk.
The ARB staff will send the meeting agenda to the Applicant approximately one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting date. The Applicant is expected to attend the ARB meeting and to present the proposed plans. The ARB will take formal action on the plans at this meeting. The Applicant will receive a letter detailing the results of the ARB meeting within ten (10) working days following the meeting. In general, once a complete application and associated plans are submitted to the ARB by the required submittal day, it will take no longer than one (1) month for the ARB to take action. Larger more complex remodel applications may take several months to review over the course of multiple meetings.
Schedule J – Approved plants
Schedule K – Invasive plants
CDD Vegetative Natural Buffer Lot Overlays
Quick Landscape Guide:
1. No landscaping shall commence in any respect until the ARB has approved the landscaping plan.
2. A landscape plan designed by a Florida Licensed Landscape Architect must be reviewed and approved by the ARB prior to any site-clearing. Contact the ARB Coordinator for a current list of approved Landscape Architects. All landscaping shall be installed by an approved landscaping contractor and shall be completed prior to occupancy.
3. Owners of single-family lots shall be responsible for maintaining the landscaping on their property in a clean and attractive manner. Landscaping shall in no way detract from the appearance of the neighborhood.
4. Landscape maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, the mowing and edging of all lawn areas; the pruning and cutting of all trees and shrubbery; the weed removal from all planting beds; and the fertilizing and watering of all plant materials and lawn. All landscape maintenance shall be executed in a manner and with such frequency as is consistent with good property management.
5. The Wild Heron development is based on the “craftsman” style, with a goal of preserving, maintaining, and enhancing the natural environment. To achieve this, the landscape plans should utilize natural grasses, plantings, and mulch beds to compliment and blend with adjacent conservation areas. Trees should be indigenous species that blend with surrounding uses in a natural state.
6. EXISTING VEGETATION – All lots must be carefully planned to minimize any destruction of existing trees and vegetation. All existing tree locations are required to be identified as part of the site plan review criteria. The ARB encourages the utilization of existing vegetation, whenever possible, to preserve the natural character of the lot. Except as allowed by this code for sidewalks and lawn, existing vegetation should be left undisturbed in the landscape area (Zone A) established by the Developer. All saved existing trees to remain are to be carefully marked with orange flagging and silt fence provided at the drip line. Depending on the variations in lot size and shape, and existing vegetation, the ARB may reduce or increase the planting requirements.
7. PLANT PALETTE – To insure a unified landscape theme throughout the community, the ARB has established a recommended plant list attached hereto as Exhibit J. This list must be utilized as a selective grid for all proposed landscape material. Proposed plant material other than that listed on Exhibit J may be approved by the ARB as part of the landscape plan review. The plant list has been categorized according to the landscape use and/or size of the selected material. A list of plants that are prohibited in Wild Heron is attached hereto as Exhibit K.
8. For preservation of existing vegetation, all lots should be sodded with either St. Augustine, Bermuda or Centipede grass as needed. Certain natural zones will allow bahia or other “native” grasses. Those areas receiving other landscaping, areas receiving constructed improvements and areas that the ARB deems unnecessary for sod due to its existing character (i.e., preserve areas, heavily wooded areas and environmentally sensitive areas) will remain unsodded. The limits of sodding must be shown on the landscape plan for ARB approval.
9. All lots fringing the conservation areas are to be maintained to the edge of the conservation areas as delineated on the lot survey. All conservation areas are to be left in their natural state. These areas can be hand grubbed, but the grades cannot be altered.
10. Lake Powell is a protected Outstanding Florida waterway and the largest coastal dune lake in Florida. Wild Heron’s highly sensitive location along the north shore of Lake Powell requires a higher standard of limited pesticide and water usage.